
Dr Faid || Mesothelioma Immunotherapy : Factors that enhance immunity


Food is the only factor that can boost immunity to fight against all infections. We have mentioned phytosterols phytoestrogens antioxidants prebiotics and enzymes. These factors are not yet studied in modern nutrition. 

Immunotherapy for mesothelioma :

Hello nothing is clear yet unfortunately with regard to empty rooms 19 and we continue to learn and learn every day no new information new explanations research and on horseback we are still looking for a vaccine we are looking for a drug and all countries from that the countries seek not only therefore the countries therefore develop all the countries therefore seek this vaccine there would be a solution announced we do not know anything about it but while waiting for this solution be vigilant and fight by yourselves we had summoned immunity we must boost its shyness it has to be protected and above all not to be destroyed in cliches things that destroy immunity it’s the chemical additives here the killer ferry cooking it’s the meat troll is too young man of animal foods sugar table oils it within vehicles is very simple and the things that can boost this immunity if plants are the vegetal world here it is to simplify things a bit why but we tell you why we explain very well scientifically it is that we have already talked about the factors which are not yet studied in modern nutrition but we have already therefore made a video that’s it and we mentioned five factors which are not yet studied in modern nutrition which are antioxidants and which are enriched post vol phytoestrogens these enzymes and probiotics will not make probiotics 

We are finally talking very biotic because let’s say probiotics are in the sticky to these debates which thus put them ten alive and the prebiotics it is in the food if the things which are used to nourish of a small paper in after beauty which wants substrates and produced some which means to build and friends so the microbiome live so and colon if five factors are not yet studied and it is the five factors that post and that it strengthens immunity ok everything who is opposite the minutes is in the vegetable world of which carige is a vegetarian it is a subject that she already strengthens the immunity for this case why not what there is the whole there are antioxidants there are phytosterols because I was vegetal these plants top effect this project there are only two in the vegetal world and enzymes it is in everything that is raw it is fruits and shadows is visible on glass and billy bean is all that before we coagulated relay with thistles we were already using the vegetable palette for the zero quack and therefore let the process of asylum and prebiotics be directed and feed your your friendly bacteria is that in the digital world it is the effector polymers if inulin and 6 and 7 sucks and that is water rich so your colon friendly bacteria vote bacteria so those are the five factors so is in the vegan world in the plant world in the vegetarian tank corn is not found in the animal world already light vegetarian with olive oil 

Of course before cooking with olive oil and including eight olives in this diet and olive oil and be careful it is a clear food polit bility it is a clegg food to limit because it is already a source of clean energy and the sauces of antioxidants and a source of unsaturated fatty acids fairly present therefore carries olive oil it is a very strong food for immunizing no threshold and vegetable is a canton increases with fish capable because there are people who cannot and ten years m and digest legumes and legumes it is a source of protein located in a site had a one percent trial trial and people who can’t eat legumes so if flatfish increased origer no fish and fish there’s no saturated fat there’s no of cholesterol clause when there is no risk and still there are t source of vitamin d is source of omega 3 tests of a bone 6 and instigators whose credibility so the isps participate in the production and increase of luminy hold with hamid d the omega 3 leaders and when one has both it works when you only take vitamin d it’s hard not to chew and when you take the omega too alone it can work because vitamin d the body and they synthesize ipela and there the five factors that allow you to raise so is to increase and boost immunity is found in the vegetable world so light vegetable and with fish there is no other diet. 

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But also better than in some that these Libyans does not have does not exist either neglect vegan more passers-by and with olive oil we are indeed a fish vegetable soup but the issue fish vegetables with olive oil it is a complete food is a complete food you are not good you add the fruit you using adp create tubes like why not to increase them you can also take cereals the bread must be supplied by the firm in acid and producing protect your microbiota because when you take the white bread brings up with the baker’s yeast be careful road your microbiome there are many people who do not constipate because of this bread and garlic and a wholemeal bread with the blood of a wholemeal it’s not the end of wholemeal breadboards and even the mixes don’t know why not mix the barley with wheat and even puts millet and even millet in this russia mix with wheat but the voice even if it mixes so it’s a bread that had to go up by and close at 6 of the farms in Saint-Adolphe natural German to make my natural traditional acid it also strengthens the microbiome and if you take things creates its sources of which it knows fruits you know well that pineapple is papaya contains papain the papier if you protect and there they have the net contain a problem and there problem if you sting locate piccina it is a protease the thistles also go thistle to that will give a little show until valves of the in lan trees of the angles and all the hats all the chefs from which they are sourced in a pool source house and we used it before to combine moreover the name escapes me in mary a white cat swamp artichokes and all that and we have the others others plants that are building sites like a lot of things we eat pray all things kristi richards nancy and there’s good there are things during i shout via this fund of raw salads and lighten it plants and encourages egyptian childhood thousands why because there are the five tractors that are only found in the plant world you need to learn these things 

Can mesothelioma go into remission :

Because antioxidants if the plant world phytosterols if the plant world phytos congestionneme nt digital the enzymes if the plant world and the prebiotics if the plant world the prebiotics that feed your the microbiome your the probiotic there it is in the plant world it’s polymer so if it sucks here from the pole image of fryer and is in the sweet potato in the Jerusalem artichoke in the chicory in the panahi in the calabash in the yard otherwise the picnic with the gets and also in things anyway like the asparagus anyway the young turnips and had no white it there was one there was and the tobacco caceis is rich he said he told him he to reverse identify the plants very strongly moreover unfortunately many ask the columnist the potato and the dark skin the potato the tomato in our matches often cooked and annealed there is nothing there is the setting on hold of taye with the setting to exhaust the tomato etc that tomatlan mister the sleeve shout at the month there are desires well there the friends jam but it’s when we’re going to die on the background of flight there’s no envy there’s nothing there’s not ten thousand and once there are antioxidants there’s lycopene there of course but the lightened by the absent and although the five factors which makes it possible to strengthen immunity in turn in the vegetable world lightened vegetarians and with olive oil with the pass years and already a very good diet which is poses d elsewhere a lever to increase your immunity to protect is found to immunize and titles what is concerned avoid everything that is everything that is frying cooking no frying is a victim n 18 table and sugar is also dad too much meat what the meat 

You can’t eat it but not every day is meat housing is serious grazing animals if you find any why not once but twice once a month or twice a month you have to it is cooked with vegetables but with olive oil and with spices and don’t forget the seeds go so a set a while in western countries we forgot so the seeds to create 100 dresses son y lalani young girl ella blue one so the sesame be salted coriander seeds a quarter villani it’s over we forgot his seeds low we don’t eat a lot but hey but it’s staggering it’s a very important food situation alas the Maghreb countries be careful and we feel a lot of ink these seeds there the Mediterranean diet before on the take into account these seeds there are spices also to thicken them over a wood fire without it can be incorporated with soups therefore buy with food and also to lift the taste of certain dishes not clean and the spices that we have talked about like ginger like ghana like cinnamon room is also curcumin that’s quite very strong and that the emptyness bility humility there are things he said louise there are things that allow the boost r if you were already there the things that generate free radicals in your body it’s the preserved foods it’s to be hearing they perform tricks that the sugar and that’s already if already we already know winning good now if you follow a vegan diet with powerful fish in the setting prepare you robin and learn learn to prepare meals and learn to innovate even meals they were before prepare this way now you have a lot of machines in the kitchen for him prepare a gray vest 

But before we couldn’t prepare a dut of vegetables now you can believe too much you said machine you have small machines in the kitchen that means preparing things they have all years of effort and everything that you use your know-how they learned and when it on yourself and fight by yourself it and don’t forget the plans don’t forget the plants twice one of the plants we take every day there be every day the arms without of these plants take what you want what you like are all the same traits of sage as nor in what oregano take the theme take for a little saffron on people who don’t have no tension problems do not clash at the cape then the church crisis why not and she therefore took these plants which are good for my lover in spite of everything so that we cannot see chamomile every day we herbal teas understand evans is very important it is that they are very important it is also the food components it is that they come to supplement therefore the contribution in 7 1 flavonoids and polyphenols and even certain avocados descends very rich in alkaloids and there it is completed with the vegan diet but aiea called it by heart between the five factors which therefore make it possible to raise in your emilie tickets allow to protect it and to keep you in good health and this always in the world plant is not found in the animal world and I remind you that these are antioxidants for the facts our flavonoids there are even antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin d vitamin had so much the better and it is with abc it is also antioxidants there is a mineral called selenium which is also a sedin antioxidant and it exists in fish in the seeds of squash it also exists in truffles destroy site a good thing so from these lines we are the excess this cement of which the veil it simple in cereals and there the antioxidants it is the plants challenge these plants tangible difference of the plants and then the enzymes if the plants and the prebiotics if the plants used in the plant world 

It is for something here why therefore the country but i was off well italian slicks not it’s not easy in st it pays where to eat less meat and me caster sugar a lot of towns don’t have a lot of cardi problems ovascular and not a lot of problems so but no diseases and their weight is good and then the whole health has is an Asian country and there we have to come back we will have to come back ashes to these things now that we are well and that we waiting for a solution it is better not to miss it is better to learn things and be careful it does not be like a diluted and do not let them separate so be vigilant and pensions have made offers would be very attentive because nothing is unknown yet and emptying the tale was total confusion we no longer understand anything see you there are now bastiais from the lower register who are in the process of involving the bacteria of the colon in this tale face with jacques aubé 19.6 stomach bacteria and liberties saying that so guts with pantyhose but there’s a lot of stuff being done right now a lot of explanations but any summit in the meantime be watchful be vision and when they follow ent roman and conditions your culture what you know is that also very strong very strong at home prepare your meals and do n’t buy anything you have a little dablanc buy the good things buy the good things to buy don’t don’t matter anything and naval and not just anything another episode we’re going everyone knows damascus