
Dr Faid || Treatment for Pleural Mesothelioma : How to Stop a Cancer ?



Hi, without changing all things that would cause a pleural cancer, the treatment is not recurrent. In this post a typical lifestyle for the cancer patients is described

Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment :

People might know that cancer is a disease of the modern lifestyle and without changing the lifestyle that it would not be easy to get rid from this disease and you know that the lifestyle should be changed for all the people by all the people contracting a cancer anyway all kind of cancer and we could describe a lifestyle an ideal one a type equal lifestyle natural and also a healthy lifestyle for all people contracting a cancer and the our lifestyle is based on four planes and so it’s very hard to contest or to reject this life side that because it’s scientifically founded and you know that the four strong planes that might help all the cancer patients the first point is to avoid all processed foods and meats and also diary products why that because the processed foods my contents of food additives and also the way these foods are prepared is sterilized and also it’s cooked in fried wires and in hydrogenated wise and so that the cancer patients should avoid all the process all the refined advice and also all food fry it or cook it in these oils but because of the trans fats trans fatty acids one because also of the PhD PhD and each a as chemical preservation for these oils and you should also avoid me it’s because of cholesterol and because of saturated fat and because also of antibiotics and so hormone you know that meets now are produced by the growth hormone and many hormones and antibiotics now are used in husbandry and all the in the in the poultry production and when we say meets its who it would it should include all the poultry no chicken out UK no meat nothing if already consultations because of these four hazardous compounds before the cancer no saturated fats and also the cholesterol and antibiotics and hormones they reproduce a because dairy products also is produced by the same way and contain all the cholesterol saturated fats antibiotics and some hormones and so the second FY the first weight is to avoid all processed foods diet products and meat the second point is based on so sports or movies or mister sizes and the time of exercise is more important than the distance that you can do by jogging or something like that just exercise and you see that the consultation should move the the exercise should take one hour and more it’s better to ours is better every day the third point is starvation or fasting you know that you should reduce or you should cut down your energy and now now excessive now no more energy for your body just in the need of the body and you if you can if you can 

So have and the exact energy for your body when not worse at least your concern case so and the fourth point is unnatural diet and healthy diet and the home-cooked one home cooked foods and so using all things that we describe it in in the last episode so fish instead of meat because fish is the rich in vitamin D in omega-3 in vitamin b12 some b5 and b6 also and in iodine and selenium selenium is anti-cancer is antioxidant and olive oil instead of the refined advice that because olive why doesn’t contain any any preservative chemical preservative in antioxidant chemical antioxidant and also because it’s rich in oleic acids and saturated fatty acids and also it’s rich in antioxidant Tyrol and hydroxy Tyros all also all our pain so to some extent so all you can tell which they call them and and the earlier who know that polyphenols are anti-cancer so vegetables are rich in flavonoids and also in polyphenols rich in vitamin C in fibers in phytoestrogens and ordering some enzymes that because we can eat in as a row and also fruits there is no energy in vegitables you know that 

So you have wide leaf routes minerals so vitamins and some enzymes and flavonoids and polyphenols or to exceed and so they are all antic acid and the fruits may contain some carbohydrates of sugar and you know that it’s a clean energy from fructose and simple carbohydrates in flowers they are very good for your body and forget the history of fructose artificial or processing fructose yes it’s hazardous for your body but fructose in in fruits is very good for the body it’s a healthy carbohydrate and fruits are rich in vitamin C and also in some organic acids like citric acids and like also tartaric acids they are rich also in polyphenols and flavonoids and they are rich in fiber so liberal fights like picked eight and pick teens in froze and the some vitamins from some extension vitamin B also some vegetarians may contain fight I mean a right I mean didn’t see vitamin C and vitamin K these three are found in vegetables they are found also in some in fish but they are they are found in in vegetables and cereals because of the fibers because of the diamine and niacin they are rich in b1 and b3 and the world series I should not remove the bran from witness oh and and also they are rich in chromium chromium is a glucose tolerance factor chromium is a serious as rich in chromium and also some beans beans are rich in folic acid and they are all they contain they are rich in molybdenum and molybdenum is a cofactor of the Audis oxide dismutase which may reject of the free radicals in your body 

So anyway it’s a complete diet and also seeds seeds are very strong in our diet seeds like flax seed fenugreek rest so the same and so black humor and so fennel and and caraway there are a lot of them these seeds but the most important is flax seeds and filigree also some spices like ginger galangal some pepper and turmeric cinnamon turmeric cinnamon Galligan all these are anti-cancer they are anti-cancer they are very beneficial for the consultation so all people contracted a cancer should follow this lifestyle at the diet and including that you should do the both so avoiding all the hazardous things that make may may be made to it’s brought out it usually blocked out by specific foods you know fast now fast food no junk foods now fry it was not sterilized food now process it food for the cancer patient therefore they can get rid from this disease easily or at least for they can follow so they can get strong and healthy for they can follow the chemotherapy and radiotherapy because it’s a heavy prosody or even know that it’s not easy to do that you should be LT and strong or you can follow your chemotherapy or radiotherapy or without this that you will fell down our immunity well will come down so and then the chemotherapy that cannot be done 

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Prognosis for Pleural Mesothelioma

So if you have a weak immunity that you cannot do anything and and we would not like people to reach the stage and this level in in their life so the lifestyle is very complete and there is now Lucknow mistake nothing so it’s it could not be contested or rejected that because it’s a complete diet it’s a healthy diet it’s a natural diet and only home cooking foods and one least simple meals and all the which means so you know that not the amount of food is important for your body but the quality so and the nutritious quality is more important than the amount of food you eat so you can have only two meals a day or one meal a day what good and healthy and rich meal is better than five minutes now saying that people now are living on fast food and on junk foods and there is nothing in these fools you know that there is no vitamins there is no fibers it is not fight ostriches there is now phytosterols there is nothing in this fast food and junk food that you know that the most important for the cancer patients are antioxidants like flavonoids and hand also polyphenols and the fibers also and some vitamins like vitamin C like the vitamin D and vitamin A is very important for the cancer patients so and derive that we now we will add some other things from other products that may help this diet and to get rid and all people will be sure healthy and strong for they can follow their their procedures from healing procedures that we cannot suggest anything about this and so some other products rich in antioxidants and also they are anti cancer like propolis so the best products are properties but properties as powder and you should have a big cap so 500 milligrams caps as powder sure the propolis as power caps or 500 grams that 

I think that in United States in Canada and also in European countries they have good properties even so the green propolis is the best that you can find it in the American countries like United States and Canada also they may have so the green propolis is the best and the kerbs 500 milligrams and you should take at least 6 6 cups of 500 milligrams of propolis so if you 2 grams per day is okay it’s very good for the for for your cancer patients to just stop the concert to stop a cancer that so 2 grams propolis is sufficient air force for stopping or for hynny beating the cancer also ride Julie also is very good and royal jelly is very good for children like them from Europe leukemia and so some cancer in children that religion is very good and the way a jury should not so take more for the children is 200 milligrams to 400 milligrams it will depend on the age of the the child so and for the people other people that they can go so two grams per day is okay two grams right Julie it relativity some other items that you can find them into Green pharmacy or even in the pharmacy or in some shops they can say sales or bio products and so also the supplements like chlorophyll spirulina chlorella 

Some glutathione glutathione is very good for cancer research your lip weak acid also and so some polyphenols like resveratrol or axilla marine or a lot of things that you can find in a market that they are very good and they are very strong also for the currency they are inhibitor inhibitor of cancer they can stop your tumor so propolis where Julie some pollen if you can’t find them for MPS Bali and the circulating lipoic acid omega-3 omega-3 caps also but if you for people though who are 18 fish everyday and so a sufficient amount of fish they don’t need omega-3 but anyway that you can use omega-3 because it’s not toxic it’s not that it’s not toxic that you can’t go until 3 grams with 4 grams per day it’s okay and omega-3 caps and if people can find some folic acid and some vitamins like vitamin A and white I mean coz they are anti-cancer but you have to check in your lab determination your lab analyzes of blood blood analysis for and you should not have cholesterol all the council patients should check their cholesterol you should not have a high amount cholesterol in your blood I should have also a sufficient amount of vitamin D before starting chemotherapy or radiotherapy 

You have to check your vitamin D and your cholesterol in the body and so the immunity is chickadees your chicken exceed that so the white with the white blood cells and the red said lightly the platelets and so they they are chicken by your lab that sure you cannot do if chemotherapy without so little many do the determination blood blood analysis so and these things all these things my reinforce the natural diet we described and sure you will get a good results if you can follow this that I know that so people now don’t like to cook the not don’t like to prepare their meals themselves and you know that there are many cases of cancer it has been so reverse it but all people who had reversed at console there we there said the cancer himself or herself not the doctor not another brain not the al provider network health care provider who has reversed the cancer all the people throughout the world who had get so rid of this disease because because the because the patient himself who prepared his mail and who reversed in his cancer not a doctor not another person you know and other cases welders there are many of them in United States in Canada in Europe and in Arab countries in African countries there are many cases well good readers they’re out there cancer themselves a lot of copper bath themselves not another another person so health that we can so you can hope that you can get some information from these advices and hope that we can help you reverse in the disease in shallow water until another episode see us or America