
Dr Faid || Surviving mesothelioma and other cancers a patient’s guide !


Certain practices can help cancer patients. Unfortunately we rely on chemotherapy alone without changing anything, while the causes of cancer are still there.

Hello everyone here we have already finished the first principle of advice cancer we have finished the most placid which is therefore the knowledge of the causes of cancer so we must know the causes of the disease we have given a lot of information you know well that it’s a bit long but you still have to know everything you have to do the maximum possible and then we come to the second principle which is therefore how to behave and how to live with the disease and how moreover and how to use the treatments to not to have side effects and not to fall into certain disasters and knew well that we start at the beginning let’s have the causes we know well how it’s good we start first by eliminating the causes and if we can so if ever good it’s cozy his body there we can’t cure cancer

So we have to be clear so we have to specify right away that it’s not possible to use china and the cessation of hormone therapy rappers and even some say it’s a somewhat traditional therapy or I don’t know but it’s Chinese alternative medicine alternative medicine because we wanted good nothing works it’s we don’t change the way of life here besides we  don’t stop the causes of the concert nothing works so we have to change everything when we diagnose canton so we like the diagnosis so and reveals a cancer a little guy just like that and when the person learns that he has cancer we need that they start at the beginning 1 and if he himself who must start it is not his doctor he must change his lifestyle his lifestyle also the gas a little since he before the house of the race products profession that chemicals good years there are people who do not stop the wifi at night with characters who move ice cream so the phone is 10 years old we are next door so in the bedroom 

So we still have to look at all of them the things you look at closely so a little the things we do it turn off the wifi in other states at night at night there is an electromagnetic field he doesn’t know it’s not it’s not disgusting you have to keep it a little the cosmetics the things you use abuse it too much and then it doesn’t must not eat in the streets must not eat in the street you must have ants it takes years m 1 but you have to completely change the way of life and the style of the is completely so first of all the first point is we start by stopping everything that is industrial than that which is industrialized products concerned with what there are food additives because if we beat the classic gifts because it’s packed in my line or because there are a lot of things that themselves irradiated foods must stop everything that is cancer and gold products industrialists including table oils including sugars soft drinks biscuits all all relays sausages and all products calm down the charter that kill everything to stop everyone industrial products you have to eat at home powerful at home you have to buy the chances created and then repaired so meals at home so when we eliminate additives and carcinogenic products carcinogenic compounds were already needed the body goes there anyway one little relief and then when you follow a natural diet this natural diet without blood cholesterol saturate it that is to say 100 beds meat poultry and animals because we do not make a difference between meats it must be until game be clear the meat is the meat whether it is the poly the help of a dome as much the cow or the meat is the plane 

We must stop all meat is on the move with a vegetarian diet more weight without a vegetarian diet because these rich in antioxidants to melt them for the finals according to him say all that because it is so rich in fiber because it is rich in vitamins antioxidants is a mini and famines because families them and in nice and that is very imp and because it’s a diet by the way if you like it’s a it’s a diet that’s free of saturated fat and cholesterol it’s a diet that contains 18 the plant world and 18 the animal world fats so the vegetarian diet there are antioxidants polyphenols life but there is fiber there are old families there are enzymes there is everything you need to breastfeed in concert and this vegetarian diet be careful it is not only vegetables vegetables it’s first one if the first component and 10 q why because vegetables are rich in minerals vitamins antioxidants fiber and there is no energy there are no calories so you can eat as much as you want and it’s divided into two things that are eaten raw it’s better because there are enzymes and things that are eaten cooked good there why not a vegetable soup etc green leaves everything that made towards vegetables fruits and fruits it is eaten raw it is a good because there are enzymes and the things that are eaten cooked good there why not a vegetable soup, etc. the green leaves everything that relates to vegetables fruits and fruits it is eaten raw it’s a good thing and 

Then we have the cereals good people who can’t eat wheat there is then if it also the bed there is the voice the bed especially a nice complete and then to the legumes which is a very important factor because the vegetables its rich in proteins it’s the soluble fiber fields and yallo monique is crazy and she hadn’t put bnf a little peace of pantothenic toxins and especially the bnf folic acid and it’s very important in the middle gays it’s an important component whose vegan diet see the vegetables the fruits and fill the dried fruits an almond the dates the raisins the ific of all that and then we have the cereals of the people who can’t let the name be said a lot the people who can’t let’s tolerate the wheat they have the bed then we so never corn have the same there are countries that have buckwheat and then therefore legumes people who can’t eat so beans so there’s a party the West Indies ricco all had a pea beans peas chickpeas and all that is to eliminate in the same chosen composition that’s what you want and we have the grain component grind the seeds to these grains that’s the one it’s the sesame it’s the presentiment china there sure is a bit of fine rehab the lily and then we saw that the cara black harvey same even the coriander seeds even the coriander seeds and it’s very important there too niger nigeria laces the seeds and it is a very important component for cancer patients very important component and the lez levels a dollar flax not religious flax is very strong they have to enter into nutrition 

So help keeping all the sick all the males, how to store them and we have a little bit of the spices left s spices the celi chossy in flavonoids for the finals and then if stimulants he knows how to use after a little his rich in phytosterols attention people phytosterols it is very important and without using at noon quantity so minimal nîmes and liked stimulates me it is to say he he therefore pushes the other products to welcome him in effect anti-cancer and there we have ginger in galangal ginger galangal leucate these three there attention are present hear we with cinnamon turmeric cinnamon turmeric in this reform a good thing and we avoid a little pepper because there are ten brushed but a pinch of pepper be careful it stimulates which crime it therefore born of turmeric turmeric before it is not worth going to buy the captive and the turmeric is enough well we have and we have a lot finally we have a lot of tracks we subscribe a sweater and the usual the most used things there are others like m and then we have aromatic and medicinal plants plants are formed of infusion and all the leaves of healthy trees the Calais effect puce the effect of the olive tree the rows and the pomegranate tree and the leaves of all the trees even the orange and the lemon linked all that before if because of the fact that we can say to consume it in the form of an infusion in the form of such as we call and many plants even in majoulet oregon and all that but there are a lot of plants also understand it well the hibiscus we have saffron we have a lot of hot drinks the saed waters are starting to stand up anyway be careful no tea that is currently selling in the market but the tf and size width  

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The fact like that and been 10 years without treatment what the tea you consume it’s a title was elsewhere it’s in Nantes and it’s not a tc thann slow and so we are talking about natural things and montsouris things I visit ryad where it is full and olive oil is a very strong component because no table oil is prohibited at these edible oils why because transfers the fatty acids in a trance and because there the bh had bought a jump said why it because it’s wrapped in plastic is not edible oil only oil olive because olive oil is a press oil there are no enemies nor bhl iv is an antioxidant nirere hockey is it only olive oil for the fat and then we avoid it a little it’s a diemoz show there are people who are good until margarine margarine is prohibited so we can preserve is prohibited advice and even other fats that are used in a society knew all non-Muslims Hindus follow them all that there it’s forbidden it’s my olive oil and then vegetarians own cooking home buy fresh things it’s better a vegetable and all that in paris which says to keep this vagueness and this diet we can supplement it and we can reinforce it with fish is not meat and the point that fish because the fish there is no saturated fat there is no cholesterol there is vitamin d there is vitamin d there is vitamin b12 there is vitamin b5 vitamin b6 there is selenium and in lyon between first round the fish is strong in the nutrition of the canners diet of the board will have the fish e st no meat % no meat no bottom of the east no ehpad project cheese no real weight without vegan diet olive oil instead of others so it’s clear and it’s hideous to eat at home ‘outside and eating bank is an element home diet if you can’t find what to eat good carry fruit with you and if you can’t find how I didn’t eat jeans is good don’t eat I say it sometimes don’t eat that’s the first factor avoid products because they were going to concede young people and natural diet is vegetarian no meat on the circuit its root is in the sky said reinforced by fish olive oil means important component and then seeds european and american companies don’t know seeds in the aravis consumes them a lot of greek creissan de l’ain films all that the software is all to be consumed especially the maghrebins 

But certainly  all countries that they don’t know these grai nes and its seeds are very important very important and then there the third factor we stop industrial products egypt recalled 70 parcels all that reinforced by strikes and all that we don’t forget the spices and the third point is sport you have to move so that the sport because you know well candy vets without oxygen does not work well it avoids noise at the congress energy know well you have to eliminate excess energy from the body to eliminate this excellent crazy energy to burn for the bri you need oxygen and this thing six young people there you have to walk you have to do sports on time in the markets as long as possible it’s not the distance if the weather sports as long as possible two hours is better than an hour took only an hour he doesn’t know better than half an hour plays sports 2 hours and 2 hours a day and it’s mandatory morning to evening choose so you have to there is a sufficient quantity of oxygen to stop the su cancerous itis and to oxidize the excess therefore of this energy for the jt it is necessary to burn therefore this energy in eksi is another factor also which makes it possible to eliminate this energy is well leveled the thing to good so there let’s say standardized this energy it’s it takes the giant where the training for the wife or just the banal end – fo saying don’t eat for 6-8am 10am 12pm is better but 6pm is good also enough if i didn’t eat good las palmas and we you can drink water manages it non legein it’s the young jean serie only the young of the young of the muslims especially that they want I don’t have he must not eat tonight when your pretty 

Because I have it for the poor the gibbons if you eat on Saturday that we had done well take a vegetable soup for something a barley soup on a legume soup or he suffers from fish all that with fruit with naulleau said isabelle brew something like this and that’s it because the next day you are going to eat and market with a vegan diet of course they will be at home a fish do not forget the olive oil to it is very strong and sufficient amount of olive oil there you have to eat it in the world you have to eat at least 95 to 100 of it increases daily for cancers hours it’s very important one and there are protective buns in olive oil and its city polyphenols very strong antioxidants and then we go to oleic acid the attack of oleic acid with omega 3 so weight without and with folic acid citroën announced a good protection I repeat the bnf of folic acid the selenium and omega 3 lots the ics oleic acid long olive oil 1 6 4 and are they will be reinforced by anti oxidants and it is a vitamin t than vitamin a and he had a 1000th is a medium certainly there is here does not leave the oxidation of the body and vitamin c with such a nice associate also in antioxidants that’s a bit what q it takes one for a cancer patient when he finds out he has cancer he first starts doing these things because he can do them if they don’t pay change his lifestyle he takes responsibility if ever the chemotherapy does not work or his humility will spread after two sessions of chemotherapy we have white blood cells 2 2 and we have platelets of 100 and something like that there be careful because there we will protect the min tit so that the person can still if read chemotherapy radiotherapy it’s very important if you haven’t eliminated 10 enough so chemistry can’t do anything for us can’t do anything what chemo has been by the way has been based in start city based on high humidity it works with mini t it 

But it doesn’t work with immunities a little let’s say frying fairly assertive the cat it doesn’t work even lower lift without it not working and there you have to people understand a little what it means a c ance ca what is day parents and don’t rely on the doctor 100% we don’t say today the parents you have to you have to see the doctor you have to do everything and you have to do a check up and forrest you have to that you stay in control and we’re not against it so she’s and begging and the chemotherapies of both are not against and only people learn from it what it means and how to behave with her treatments so as not to fall into the disaster because otherwise if you do two sessions three sessions and then your immunity no longer allows us to continue the tumor and there you can’t make a bun and conscience and you stop it’s going to be even bigger and the team up to the idea at a little dangerous size another episode it happens to me.