This herb Rosemary with health benefits increases memory by 75%

Rosemary is an aromatic plant with blue-purple flowers  and many of  health benefits

It has been used in cosmetics and medicine to fight the flu and headaches but recent research has revealed other uses rosemary: it would increase the mental and improve memory by 75%. 

Sniffing rosemary to improve memory Aromatherapy is one of the milder alternative medicine, sometimes with results that are supported by scientific research. 

The olfactory system has a direct link to the brain, they depend on each other to form the reality we perceive. 

Why rosemary work? 

There are several biologically active agents in rosemary that give it its therapeutic effect. Antioxidants such as rosmarinic acid and acid carnocique protect living cells radiation. They also have antimicrobial effects. 

Other components of rosemary as caffeic acid, camphor, rosmanol and betulinic acid all have the potential to interact positively with living cells. 

But how is all this if we do qu’humer the plant? 

Smell and memory studies have shown links between senses and memory, especially smell. We all have one or odor that smells like when it is transported in incredible memories. 

These studies show that beyond the psychological side 

There chemical interaction that binds to smell cognition. 

They also demonstrated qu’humer rosemary improves memory 75%. 

Studies in 2016 study of 144 participants divided into 3 groups. 

A group should feel nothing, the second was to smell of lavender and rosemary 3rd group. 

People exposed rosemary had an unexpected boost in the quality and performance of their memory. 

The other two groups experienced a significant delay in relation to the first. 

A more recent study, done in 2012, showed that rosemary powder on those 75 and older had a crucial role in the functioning of the memory of the participants. 

Rosemary is actually a super weed. In addition to improving memory, you can use it to treat hair loss. 

You can also make your own cleaning products for the home.